Continue Reading The Album of Death The ten days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur give people who are not completely saintlike (those latter automatically inscribed into the…
Continue Reading New Year’s Resolutions This week we observe Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. It is the beginning of a ten day period of penitence that…
Continue Reading Monumental The earliest three-dimensional art was probably carvings, shortly followed by pottery. Ritualistic and functional purposes found artistic expression. Soon 3-D became large,…
Continue Reading Grounds for Sculpture If you ever want to go tripping without ingesting chemical substances into your body, travel to the hidden depths of Hamilton, New…
Continue Reading Blown Blown. or should I say: blown and blown. I am referring to the sculptural art I am describing today and the hurricane…
Continue Reading Master of Reflection I could not believe my luck when I realized the Lincoln, MA sculpture park had a Gormley sculpture in its permanent collection….
Continue Reading Sculptures my trip to the East Coast last week I visited a sculpture park in Lincoln, MA. It was founded by a tea…
Continue Reading The Birds of Summer Yesterday I mentioned the dog(days) of summer; today it’s going to be the birds you saw flying around over these last many…
Continue Reading Dog Days Not sure what I cherish more – getting a surprise gift from a semi-anonymous source (a thousand thanks to B’s BFF)….) or…
Continue Reading Es gibt kein richtiges Leben im falschen. Wrong life cannot be lived rightly (Adorno) I’ve talked about sloth, gluttony, envy and pride this week; proscriptions to work instead of play, accept a sparsely filled larder, resist…