Continue Reading Don’t be a Sucker Propaganda and Psychological Warfare, a classic written by Terence Qualter in the 1960s, defines propaganda as the deliberate attempt by some individual or group to…
Continue Reading The Berlin Wall Yesterday, August 13, was the 56th anniversary of the building of the Berlin Wall. In contrast to the US where current wall-…
Continue Reading Friday’s Question Seems like wherever I look I see stuff published on the upcoming eclipse. The science end, the mythology angle, the aspect of…
Continue Reading Thursday’s Question When I came across this treasure trove, conveniently offered to you in the link below, I was embarrassed to the point of…
Continue Reading Wednesday’s Question Relax! A day without politics. And a topic that will be of consequence only for those who make, consume, like or despise…
Continue Reading Tuesday’s Question My eye was caught today by numerous articles that point to the Trump administration’s decision to disenfranchise the weakest links in our…
Continue Reading Monday’s Question I came across a sentence today in the LA Review of Books that I HAD to quote: The fundamental question for writing today…
Continue Reading Joy I figured we’d end the week that covered uncertain feelings with something more uplifting – laughter. The photographs of friends and acquaintances speak…
Continue Reading Fear. Not. We’ve had sweat yesterday; we’ve had tears the day before; now all we need is blood, right? Then they’ll sing to us about…
Continue Reading Sweat Where I come from, sweating was something a young lady did not do much less display. Sweat rings under your arms were…