Continue Reading Der Anschluss Since Sunday you could not open the US or European newspapers I read and not find some speculative commentary about the election…
Continue Reading Going Back in Time Last weekend a young friend introduced me to the term natural living skills. They are taught in communities around the country who share the…
Continue Reading Glimpses of History Perhaps this week we should turn to history – or at least some interesting tidbits that are loosely related to the past. Luckily,…
Continue Reading Books about and by women artists Lesendes Mädchen (1828) Gustav Adolph Henning A dear friend gave me a German magazine that is devoted to books – a special edition that dealt…
Continue Reading Art and Politics (2) Yesterday I mused about museums; today I’m thinking about artists. There is so much written about how artists engage in the political…
Continue Reading Art and Politics (1) Wouldn’t you know it. I thought I knew every major museum in NYC after having lived there for years and visited for…
Continue Reading The Rev. Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir Show me someone’s blog that opens with an Emma Goldman quote, consider me hooked. If that quote refers to small communal interactions…
Continue Reading On Lace and Limitations I had never visited a bridal store until last Friday. My own wedding dress was bought off the rack at a Laura…
Continue Reading Der Untertan Beware of the mother who gives her non-German speaking child the middle name of Heinrich. Never mind, that it runs in the…
Continue Reading Herbst Last night was the beginning of Sukkoth, the Jewish celebration of the harvest and commemoration of endless years of wandering in the…