Yesterday was a good, a surprisingly good day. I had gone to Sauvies Island, rather than giving in to fatigue, and found myself with an embarrassment of riches. It was as if all of nature conspired to wait for me and shower me with extraordinary beauty, wherever I turned. The wetlands looked like a Dutch landscape painting from the Golden Age.

The willows glowed like little lanterns against soft air.

32 egrets (I counted!) grazed in a field, occasionally flying off to a better spot for hunting.

Sandhill cranes overhead and hopping around in their elegant, if short-lived, staccato dances tugged on my heart strings – I so love these birds.

Ducks joined them.

Swans moved northwards, will I ever see the tundra again? No. That’s ok. Can’t be greedy.

Snow geese rose with a cacophony of noise when spooked by a raptor. When they eventually settled it looked like huge white blossoms tumbling down onto the ground.

And then a pair of eagles decided to show off, noisily announcing their arrival, or yelling at each other, what do I know, maybe they’re courting. Not mutually exclusive, I hear.

So, just for today, I’ll revel in nature’s gifts, leaving politics aside. In that spirit, music will also be enchanting, a new find of an L.A.- based Jazz trio. Little guy below hops in rhythm….

Johanna Tesman
Beautiful day, I wish I had been with you. I particularly love the pussy willow
Wow!!! So much was given to you yesterday! I am positive that it was an early birthday gift! Thank you for sharing all this beauty. Wonderful way to start my day!
You made me smile this morning. Beauty brings so much pleasure. It resonates in my body.
On another note, I wanted to let you how much your erudition inspires and opens my eyes and heart to other ways of looking, of seeing.
Thank you!
Jorge Tacla
Love the images
Sara Lee Silberman
Beautiful photos, pal! Und Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Wow! Thank you
Louise A Palermo
How I enjoyed being on this walk with you. Thank you for being such a great guide.