Last week my brain and I were not on the best of terms. After negotiations, vague promises ensued that it will be back in reasonable force by Wednesday. For today’s blog, then, I have to resort to brain-less offers: images of a meme that hopped across my inbox for days.
Someone started the trend by designing the packaging for an imaginary adult costume, and let the (content and inscription-free) template of the package loose on the internet. Individuals actors, companies, political mavens picked up the ball and ran with it.
They ranged from silly to funny to trying to be funny to biting. I left out the many truly offensive ones. (THAT much brain was still cooperating…)
Music today haunted me throughout my childhood. A classic of the German imagination, in both words by Goethe and score by Schubert.
Sam Blair
As one of only two photographers in “The Ship Show” at The Nebeker Gallery at Clatsop Community College, you represented us photographers extremely well. Your images were beautiful, and prominently placed. The opening night was dense with humanity-very well attended!
Carl Wolfsohn
Ah, comedy!
Louise A Palermo