The World speaks to Us

October 8, 2020 0 Comments

Next time you’re bored, or uneasy, or need to entertain the (grand)kids during the umpteenth hour of self-isolation I suggest you try what I do when I need to feel less lonely.

Pay attention to the little, transient details on your walk (often easier in urban environments, but also recommended for your daily round in the park.) Collect them like small gems and thread them together into a story. I, of course, do it with a camera, but you can do it just as well in your head our out loud in conversation with your walking companions.

It will not exactly produce poetry, but a sense that the world is talking to you is often good enough for short-term distraction. Note: I am NOT suggesting to capture the moment, one of the most overused phrases in all of art. If I had a penny for every recommendation of how to capture the moment in photography, in writing, in visual art, I could build housing for the entire PDX homeless population (one of the first things I’d do with a surplus unexpected funds.)

Instead, I just like to imagine that the world is speaking to us, commiserating, scolding, encouraging, reminding and comforting – just what is needed.

Yup, can’t deny it, woes….

But not of biblical proportions,

And no unextinguishable giga fire, like the ones they have here now.

There will always be moments to rest

and places where you are welcome.

It pays to heed good advice

And you might just be remembered if you made use of your skills and time.

And there will always be beauty

If you just keep your eyes open.


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