The Fading Light

October 7, 2016 0 Comments


Remember Velvet Underground? Mid 1960s, Lou Reed, John Cale, Sterling Morrison – Andy Warhol as the background handler? Morrison died at age 51 of some kind of lymphoma; Reed died 3 years ago after a failed liver transplant. Cale is still with us – and the reason all this comes to mind is because I came across an old concert of his, Fragments of a Rainy Season. I had meant to write about the arrival of the rain, as a transitional theme.

But when I heard him sing Do not go gentle into the good night – rage, rage against the dying of the light  – I was hooked. He somehow added something with his music to the Dylan Thomas verses.  

So, today’s transition is NOT about death, but simply about the fading light. Fall light is simply extraordinary at times! It should not fade so fast!




And if you go inside and need a little magic lamp to brighten up your environment – here you go:img_3137-copy

October 8, 2016


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