We’ll end this week with a few beautiful photographs of a friend of mine, Dale Schreiner, who has spent a lot of time photographing the quintessential trade that keeps all of our cars going: the car mechanic. In this particular case his friend Brent. I really think of them as car doctors – they need to do the diagnostics of what is wrong; they need to find appropriate solutions that include some kinds of surgery and handiness with the right tools. It is hard physical labor in addition to solving tricky problems with occasional improvisation. They need to deal with the insurance folks and anxious owners that compare to patients’ parents. And they develop a relationship to the “patient” – if only pretending to faint when you bring in your 20 year-old van for the umpteenth time…..
Here is a clip of Tati’s Traffic – a movie that still brings tears of laughter to me after all these years. I guess I am easily amused – inside and outside of the car. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2dfuqi_trafic-1971-jacques-tati-ending_shortfilms
And that ends our musings on automobiles.
Carl Wolfsohn
So great. Gary’s dad was a mechanic. He’s been retired for awhile, but the kids still call when they need their cars fixed!
Martha Ullman West
Adore the Tati film, hadn’t seen it before, merci bien pour ca.
Brent Soo Hoo
I sorta wish you had talked to me or Dale more about what these pictures were about before posting this. I AM NOT A MECHANIC. I AM AN ENTHUSIAST/HOBBYIST WHO ENJOYS WORKING ON CARS. I don’t do this for pay, I do it for the zen creativity.
Then I apologize for the mis-labeling, Brent! I had just admired the images of you working on cars and admired the high skill set that this requires. Pay or not. My bad!