At Our Own Peril

July 29, 2016 0 Comments

There are many points on the Republican platform that one can argue with (or despair over). None is more important and further reaching than measures about climate change. Or, shall we say, the absence thereof. It goes beyond willful ignorance. I see it as aiding and abetting a catastrophe that will be a defining feature of the future of the entire world.

Check out this National Geographic Series that covers the range:


And, of course, you know who will get hurt the most at early points.

Better get these in-action figures made to finance the fight for climate action:

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The British former Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sachs once said that optimism and hope are not the same thing. Optimism is the belief that things will improve. Hope is the belief that we together can change things for the better. Optimism is a passive virtue, hope an active one. “You don’t need courage to be an optimist,” said Sachs,”but a lot of courage is required to hope.”

I think we are beyond hope – all we have left is action. Many of us will not live to see the changes – but our children will. We owe them and all other future generations action before they drown.IMG_9225


July 28, 2016


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