Us vs Them

July 28, 2016 1 Comments

Is there any constituency other than white, male Trump delegates that has not been publicly shamed or denigrated by Trump? With the exception of a token nod to gays, (and not the entire LGTB spectrum mind you), I can think of Vets, the disabled, the press, the labor movement, the environmental movement, democrats, women and, of course, Blacks who have been targeted as inferior.

Here is a 2 minute video of Senator Booker making the point succinctly.

Trump insists he is not a racist, and yet there are numerous recorded statements that prove otherwise – here is one example: Laziness is innate to Blacks, they can’t help it…..


His constituency is fine with that since downward comparison – feeling superior to a group that is worse off than oneself – and scapegoating – selecting a group that becomes the target for displaces anger – are typical relief valves for pent-up fear and frustration. Shimmering on the horizon are of course Trump’s promises to reinstate prior status and economic security – promises as empty as his slogans are full of hatred.



It is a volatile mix, a dance on the volcano. When groups are existentially threatened, as the recent history of being Black in this country has demonstrated, when groups are systematically marginalized and kept uneducated and in poverty, there comes a time when the boiling point is reached. It sometimes seems that is almost what Trump and his acolytes desire – an eruption of violence that will justify law and order of the kind we’ve only known from the history books.


1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Martha Ullman West

    July 28, 2016

    Excellent post, although those poor piglets are actually kind of cute! Which the supporters of he who shall remain nameless are decidedly not.


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