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Rose Hip Jam



In 1975 I backpacked for 6 months through pretty much all of South America. Some of the best months of my life, full of adventure, learning, awe at landscapes and the endurance of the endogenous people. One of the few drawbacks: this sugar addict had little to no access to the customary amounts of Bonbons. We shall remain silent about which amount that would be.DSC_0186

I arrived in Argentina during the times of the emerging military Juntathe triple A – Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance – formed by the military, security forces and right-wing death squads, who killed and disappeared ten thousands of people until 1983. If you were a political dissident, associated with socialism, or otherwise suspect your life was in danger. A German friend of mine who worked for the UN development office had spent some days in jail in Buenos Aires for suspicion of leftist activities and it took her years to deal with the fear that installed.

In any case, the reason all this comes up is the fact that I spent some days in Bariloche, in the Lake district after crossing the border from Southern Chile – and the hostel served rose-hip marmalade with their breakfast bread. I probably licked out the pot after devouring it in its totality, sugar deprived as I was. Rose hips, then, come to mind when I think about sweets, as do black and red currants, also prime material for jams.





Let’s top this week of vegetables with some fruit! My favorite remains: the apple.

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IMG_7250Paul Cezanne Still Life with Apples
