Continue Reading Roma Add puzzlement to the topics of anger, laughter and tears of previous blogs this week when discussing movies/performance art. Your puzzlement since…
Continue Reading The Rise of the Phoenixes Yesterday I wrote about laughter, today it shall be tears. Rest assured not mine, or at least not publicly. I will discuss them…
Continue Reading The Faghag and her friends in the summer of love I have a tendency to burst into spontaneous laughter when I read something funny. This amused my mother, irritated my father and…
Continue Reading Widows It ain’t for the faint of heart. The movie Widows by Steve McQueen, contains some intensely violent scenes. It ain’t for the feeble of…
Continue Reading Things to be grateful for: Music Let’s finish this week with a few select pieces of music that celebrate the weather – the rains have returned. It’s the…
Continue Reading Things to be grateful for: Community I am blessed with friends, too numerous to list. But I will have one of them speak for me on this day…
Continue Reading Things to be grateful for: Activism In no particular order I am going to applaud movements carried by young people this year. Youth has always had a major…
Continue Reading Things to be grateful for: Science Wheat I am always thankful when there is a scientific explanations for things that I find troubling. And never more so than when…
Continue Reading Things to be grateful for: Nature With Thanksgiving coming up, I will devote this week’s musings to things I am grateful for. As so often, that puts nature in…
Continue Reading Detour to Vienna Since I was asked to explain how I come about the various topics for the blog, here is another example of chain…