Continue Reading Playing Games Chain of association: I heard lots of communal singing this weekend. On Saturday, at an Indian Dance concert, people in the seats…
Continue Reading Community I have been to many a Gala/Fundraiser in my lifetime. Often bored out of my head. Sometimes irritated that a lackluster production…
Continue Reading Sankalpa What better way to celebrate March 8th, International Women’ s Day, than by introducing some extraordinary women who have recently moved to…
Continue Reading The Return of Winter And just like that, it snowed again. Covering the Hellebores, the bamboo, the whole of the backyard. I am very fond of…
Continue Reading Up and Down The weather is echoing the mood – from spring in the air, sun galore, take- the -downjacket-off temperatures to snow on the…
Continue Reading Infants, Incarcerated Yesterday a friend who has volunteered with the Dilley Pro Bono Project forwarded an email to me. It reminded me of a…
Continue Reading The Sparrow(s) Sparrows seem to be a popular topic for poetry. From Catullus to Keats, Bill Collins to Charles Bukowski they appear as various…
Continue Reading Pulp, alas not Fiction Hate to admit it, but when everyone swooned for John Travolta in Pulp Fiction I had a crush on Harvey Keitel. Riddle…
Continue Reading In the Name of Manifest Destiny… How can you not be drawn to a movie review of an epic about the massacre of American Indians titled Serious Reservations?…
Continue Reading The Green Book The 2019 Oscar winning movie has been, shall we say, quite controversial. Here is a summary of much that was deemed…