Continue Reading Encounter in a Parking Lot Today I will report on one of those “You ok? No, I’m not.” encounters. During my recent foray to San Francisco I was…
Continue Reading Encounters in Astoria When you work mostly with your head, like I do, and are surrounded mostly by others who do too, it is often…
Continue Reading Encounters by the wayside Since I would dissolve into a blubbering mess of rage and tears if I wrote about politics this week I will turn…
Continue Reading To Autumn John Keats (1795-1821) Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the…
Continue Reading Fall Color Peak foliage color is later this year than what used to be the norm. The rise in average temperatures affects this process…
Continue Reading Contemplation Animals have a great advantage over man: they never hear the clock strike, however intelligent they may be; they die without any…
Continue Reading Back by popular demand: Nature! Time to regroup and visit my regular landscapes where fall has made such a sudden entrance. My first foray into nature this…
Continue Reading Happy Birthday, Street Roots! This is where I am having breakfast this morning: Happy birthday, Street Roots What I couldn’t say in the article, I can say on my own blog:…
Continue Reading Red Rebel Brigade Since I am working on a longer piece that HAS to be done by asap, I will simply shower you with a…
Continue Reading Under the Surface When you walk through the streets and alleys of San Francisco’s China Town you are engulfed in a riot of colors, sounds…