Continue Reading Marooned Vaivén de fantasías Los argonautas se albergaronen la oscuridad de mis zapatosy un dragón azul acudióa encenderme la estufa.El cielo limpio se escondióen…
Continue Reading Have you no Shame? One of my favorite outbursts in my ongoing battle with the deer in my garden is: “Have you no shame?” Preferably yelling…
Continue Reading Transformation There are days when serendipity reigns. They are rare. They are welcome. And, as it so happens, one of them was…
Continue Reading Your Brain is Not an Onion with a tiny Reptile inside. Every so often there is a scientific article that should be read and shared for the title alone. I mean, how can…
Continue Reading They are Hell on Salad I had to laugh out loud when I read that sentence embedded in an erudite prose poem on snails. They are hell…
Continue Reading Wilted It is never easy, is it? Here you thought I’d let you off the hook from politics by offering a full week…
Continue Reading Roses Some steal roses, I, on the other hand, decided to steal the story attached below, which had been unlocked some time back…
Continue Reading Iris In 1489 Albrecht Dürer painted an iris (Schwertlilie, as they are also called in German, literally translated as sword lily.) He was…
Continue Reading Willows “The poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree, (Sing all a green willow, willow willow willow,)With his hand in his bosom…
Continue Reading Lupins In 1917 a ‘Lupin’ banquet was given in Hamburg at a botanical gathering, at which a German Professor, Dr. Thoms, described the…