Continue Reading Thoughts on Experience The Wild Swans at Coole BY WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS The trees are in their autumn beauty,The woodland paths are dry,Under the October twilight the waterMirrors…
Continue Reading Thoughts on Vaccination It looks like we will be able to get vaccinated to be (somewhat) protected against Covid-19 in the near future. Or will…
Continue Reading Thoughts On Grieving In Memoriam: Dorothy Goode In the early morning hours of November 27, 2020 I received an email that let me know that gifted painter and adventurous…
Continue Reading Move over, Mondrian. A sentiment that questions Piet Mondrian’s (1872 –1944) status as the master of modernism is, of course, offered in jest. I was…
Continue Reading (Almost) Year-End Report As many of you know I have been involved in a project for years now that tries to raise awareness of not…
Continue Reading Dreaming, while snared, of murmurations. I have been working on a project that, once again, tries to express the feelings associated with our current predicament: longing for…
Continue Reading Writing with a Crystal Vision. Instead of a poem I am posting a short essay today, found here, in Vanity Fair of all places, a publication…
Continue Reading Reds against Blues Hard times when sadness hits. Advice comes in all forms and shapes and levels of triteness (if earnestly felt), levels of pragmatism,…
Continue Reading A Visit to the Future and the Past. I had a strange dream last night. A dear friend finally managed to introduce me to Ursula LeGuin, who was somehow still…
Continue Reading Leaves, Folded If Nari Ward, who I introduced yesterday, is a master of conceptual installations, Sam Gilliam stands out with his abstractions. I say…