Continue Reading On the first day of 2017 If your resolutions list looks like mine, it is fossilized as well. Since they are always the same resolutions you don’t need…
Continue Reading On the last day of 2016 I have so many things in mind on this last day of 2016. My gratitude for the support and encouragement of a growing…
Continue Reading Your daily wildlife I, for the life of me, cannot tell why the article below and the photos depicting the work made me feel such…
Continue Reading Conditional Optimism The link below is something to cheer us all up. Pinker is a smart cookie, if there ever was one. Cognitive psychologist…
Continue Reading On Gifts Read it and laugh – or weep, as you please. The collection of quotes in the link below is priceless. Weekend Words: Gift Priceless like the best…
Continue Reading He lives here A story by Axel Hacke a German journalist and author, translated by yours truly. He Lives Here I met God the other day at the…
Continue Reading The Week between the Years This week will be catch as catch can. I’ll indulge myself in talking about religion and allowing myself sentimental musings (strictly verboten…
Continue Reading Love trumps Hate Hm. Will it be true? This story will at least make us laugh: In any case, togetherness trumps loneliness. So for this last day…
Continue Reading Too little, too late? Here is the White House press release from 2 days ago about attempts to prevent arctic drilling. I am gladly accepting bets how…
Continue Reading Lion(s) in Winter Perhaps you remember the play, I do remember the movie (1968) Lion in Winter. I had a crush on Katherine Hepburn, closely followed…