Continue Reading Hide and Seek On Monday we mentioned evidence that face recognition follows different rules than other forms of recognition and is served by specialized brain…
Continue Reading Seeing with my Heart Yesterday’s post was about people who are bad at face recognition. It is a recent discovery how common this problem is. My…
Continue Reading Where do I know her from? This week we are trying to get back to psychology for a little bit. I thought I’d start with faces. Overall humans are extraordinarily…
Continue Reading Open that curtain We must reach out even if it is uncomfortable. It needs to happen. It might be a tenuous connection, if any connection at…
Continue Reading No Contact 29 years ago today I met what turned out to be one of the most passionate, optimistic, interesting, honorable and funny human…
Continue Reading Involuntary Connection You know me. Well, some of you do. I like to dress eclectically and mix up Target with Givenchy, although my Burberry…
Continue Reading Joy I am one of these people who cry at airports. Not when someone is departing, mind you, but when they are arriving….
Continue Reading Disconnected If I asked you about connectedness, what would come to mind? Love, family, friendship, community would pop up for me. That connectedness…
Continue Reading Reconnecting Back to normal, or so I hope. Your daily picture resumes with an interest in connections/connectedness this week. Obviously a broad umbrella term, which I…
Continue Reading In the shadows So many ways to tackle an issue through art –’s all today – I am overbooked…..