Continue Reading Sympathy I know why the caged bird sings….I first “heard” these words in a piece of music – Buckshot Lefonque’s version to be…
Continue Reading Magnolia Flowers Yesterday’s question about flowers as a topic for Black poets might be answered with today’s poem by Langston Hughes. I have seen various…
Continue Reading my dad asks, “how com black folks can’t just write abut flowers?” A couple of years back I insensitively scolded a friend of mine for helicopter-parenting her daughter. The then 12-year old had not…
Continue Reading Large Numbers of Crumbs Large numbers? Untold numbers of crumbs are on their way out – Passover starts tonight and the house undergoes some serious cleaning…
Continue Reading Large Apocalyptic Numbers Photograph from article below I very much wanted to write about something positive today, about personal courage, creativity, art, solidarity – your pick….
Continue Reading Large Divergence in Numbers Politico posted an article yesterday that compared the Trump administration’s reaction to the disasters caused by Hurricanes Maria in Puerto Rico and…
Continue Reading Large Numbers of Blossoms If you walk along Portland’s waterfront park right now the wind and rain will often make the air around you twirl with…
Continue Reading Large Numbers I’ll devote this week to large numbers: let’s start with Saturday’s #MarchforOurLives in Portland. Some estimated 12.000 Portlanders came out to protest US gun…
Continue Reading Testing Headscarves This week was devoted to people whose imagination, creativity and engagement make a difference in the world. Theater was my main focus,…
Continue Reading Jewish Theatre Collaborative Oh, do I miss it. JTC, founded in 2008 by Sacha Reich, had a glorious run until it didn’t and decided to…